Monday, January 31, 2011


Another UFO video this time on Utah.

 Global Change?

The problem in Egypt is constantly rising and everyday it seems the world is at a turmoil from various events. Today a random person sent me a Youtube video in which it described this situation along with the UFO sightings in Jerusalem as a connection for a major World Change. I am not a big conspiracy theorists or religious fanatic, but after seeing the video it left a deep train of thought. Its pretty obvious the whole world is changing whether it be with conflicts or uprisings of which Egypt has demonstrated. Putting aside religion and these theories of Aliens, I feel the world will be subject to a big change in the near future. I hope it is change in the form of good but who knows whats in stored for the worlds future. It may not seem to affect us since many of us are in the comfort of our own homes, far from the troubles we see in the news. Who knows how long we will be safe from us being part of the news. If you have a moment check out the video below and you can give your opinion about it.

 Area 51- Alien Interrogation?

 Another creepy video i found, this one is about a supposed Alien Interrogation taking place. The Government is supposedly interrogating it telepathically. To be honest I do believe we humans cant possibly be the only living life forms in this enormous Universe and what I saw in this video may or not may be true but non the less leaves a deep impact on the viewer. Who knows what deeper secrets are being kept from us, only time will tell.

 UFO Over Jerusalem

Yesterday a video was posted online showing what appears to be a circle of light above Jerusalem. It was doing random movements from time to time but moving at inhumanly impossible speeds. Its pretty clear from the video that this could not have been a plane or helicopter as some people are claiming. I mean how exactly could it have just went from high in the sky and drop almost instantly to the very city then just fly out with even greater speed. Whatever it was it sure was pretty cool and its all up to you to believe what you guys want. Check out the video below.

The video here has translations so you can see what the camera guy thought about this. One thing to keep in mind is the major Egypt conflict undergoing around that area and beyond, perhaps for the believers in aliens this may mean something?


  1. whoa thats pretty cool and creepy, they are telling us something

  2. Spooky man... but we can't be the only ones in the universe.

  3. I am a firm believer in aliens and Area 51, so this peaks my interests. Thanks!

  4. Creepy stuff. Can't wait to hear the news about it.

  5. Awesome Video dude.

  6. cool video, but i have a hard time believing in UFO videos always seem a bit wonky

  7. Idk, there's a high probability that there is other life in the universe developing by chance simply because it is so big.
    followed :D

  8. I dont know if those are real, but we are Not alone in the Universe.

  9. One day I want to go hunting some damn aliens, with a good HD camera and constantly having a tripod to avoid shaky cam.

  10. i think aliens are out there somewhere

  11. OOOOH!!! Im beyond interested in your blog sir, I KNOW there are other life forms out there, I even posted a UFO entry in my blog too! Great post, greater blog!

  12. I want to believe! They are out there somewhere..I just hope I'll get to live long enough to witness first contact hurry up

  13. i believe in UFOS, but i don't think 'weird lights' are them anymore than they could be jesus

  14. Nah, it's fake. You can tell it cause the quality of the video is very bad. Back then military had better cameras.

  15. As much as I want to wish its real, I find it hard to. I wish there was something else out there. xD

  16. Seriously interesting. Aliens are a real mystery in my brain. Followed!

  17. Wish those videos were true, life down here is getting really boring.

  18. Freaky.. i dont believe myself but who knows whats out there!

  19. Too bad aliens like that haven't made contact with earth yet. They exist. But I find it highly unlikely they have made contact with Earth...

  20. I believe in Aliens, in terms of bacteria somewhere millions and millions of miles away.

  21. There going to take over

  22. I've been paranoid as hell ever since watching 4th kind. This just furthers my paranoia..

  23. I heard about that UFO over Jerusalem on Coast to Coast. Pretty intense.

  24. Sadly if aliens come they are going to take us over due to limited resources that they probably uesd up.

  25. Umm what the hell are we supposed to do? I'm a little worried! Nice blog btw!

  26. Well in the first video, when I was younger I probably would have been shaken up by it..But through the years one thing that does not change is people are always predicting the end of the world, and they think they are smart enough to know exactly how it is going to play out. But it is important to remember that up to now at least, they have all been wrong 100% of the time...

  27. The aliens thing is a bit far out but I do believe the world has some big change coming.

  28. I don't know. The whole alien thing makes me kinda...not want to believe it

  29. Still not sure about UFO's, I mean, why, for all the many years we have seen UFO's, has nothing ever came out of it?
    The background of it all is pretty hard to believe.

  30. While I do love a good UFO sighting, the last one over Jerusalem has been shown to be a hoax. Quite a good one, though.

  31. Videos like these make me excited.

  32. Great videos. I'm glad I followed .

  33. Ah man are we so not alone. To think we are is just... it's beyond ignorance & retardation.
    There out there, if not already here.... ;)

  34. Always makes me wonder if there's life in outer space, when'll go and think about that, you'll shit yourself.

  35. I definitely don't think we're the only life forms in the universe :)

    Thanks a bunch for the add dude :D Everyone else, show me some love:

  36. there's no way that aliens can't exist

  37. I remember seeing that interrogation awhile back, creepy stuff.

  38. I know many won't believe this, but here goes anyways.

    One clear night while I was at a park with some buddies, we noticed this thing that seemed like a helicopter with a large searchlight (the light didn't quite reach the ground) just hovering about 100 ft off the ground a couple kilometers away from us. Upon closer inspection, it was unlike anything we had ever seen, and we realized it was something much different. When we commented on it being a UFO as a joke, the craft just seemed to hover up and then disappear in a small burst of light.

    It was by far the strangest thing I've experienced and I thoroughly believe others may have found us.

  39. good ufo clips there m8, seen some terrible ones lately but these r good

  40. This is... scary. Just scary! OMG!

  41. The alien interrogation is false. I think aliens should only have small heads. Its the way evolution prefers it.

  42. UFO over Jerusalem kinda freaks me out, flashes of light >_>

  43. This UFO s**t is getting pretty serious. I hope something big happens soon so life wont be so boring :D

  44. i wonder what it will be like if i live to see global contact with life from another part of the universe. it would be quite intense

  45. Thats creepy,though i like this kind of stuff.

  46. Great post. I love evidence about aliens. Always interesting schtuff!

  47. Seeing how gigantic the universe is, it's not surprisingly if there were actually aliens out there. Heck the odds are probably that there are aliens out there. Whether they are advanced enough to conquer space travel? Hmm.

    I facepalm everytime someone tells me that aliens can't be real yet they believe in Christianity, etc. It seems a majority of people in real life are mindless sheeps following the media.

  48. oh man this is a great post, i got goosebumps up to now.
